Monday, February 6, 2012

Can't Win If You Don't Play

My husband and I were having a conversation a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to share it with you all! 

Hubby: How do you win all this stuff?
Me: I enter giveaways online.
Hubby: I never win anything!
Me: Well if you don't enter to win anything, how can you expect to win if you don't play.
Hubby: It's too much work.
Me: Well if you want to win, it is more work.
Hubby: You just keep on winning stuff for me, okay! Can you win me an iPad?

People are always asking me how I win all this stuff online and I wanted to give you a few pointers:

1) It is work, you have to be consistent with your entries. You can't expect to win if you only do (1) entry per giveaway. If a blog offers multiple entries, or daily entries, you have to do those to increase your chances!

2) Look for giveaways that have low-entries, this will also boost your chances.

3) You may want to set up a separate e-mail or twitter account for all of your "followers" or "subscriptions."

4) Make sure to check your e-mail consistently, because if you win, in most cases, you will be notified by e-mail and only have a certain amount of time to claim your prize. If you don't claim, it may go to someone else.

5) Don't be discouraged if you don't win, if you keep up the hard work and entries, you will eventually succeed, it may take some time though. Patience is key!

What I Have Won So Far(since November 2011):
  • Incredibum All In Two Cloth Diaper
  • Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer 
  • Rumperooz G2 Pocket Diaper
  • Kindle Fire
  • Cloth Wipes from Etsy Shop
  • Fuzzibunz Elite Pocket Diaper
  • Blog Makeover (Design Coming Soon, in the works)
  • 3 Pairs of Babylegs
  • Tiny Tush Cloth Diaper
  • Bare Minerals RSVP Make-Up Set
  • Booty Buns Cloth Diaper
  • Softbums Cloth Diaper
  • Cloth Diaper Safe Rash Ointment
Do you ever enter to win things online?

Did you win anything before? I would love to hear your winnings!


  1. I once won iPod nano in the sobe game! Remember all those sobe coupons?

    1. Ha Ha! That is awesome! All I ever won was Sobe Coupons which I used to buy (oh wait, I mean get free) sobes!!!

  2. Sooooo jealous that you won a Kindle Fire! I've been trying for one of those for eons. :) {Well, that's how long it feels like!}

    Thanks for stopping by the blog hop on Blessed Beyond Words. I'm off to leave a review of your site!

  3. Wow--impressive! I keep entering in hopes for a diaper or something. I did win a cute hairbow and a tutu from and Etsy giveaway in December.

    1. I know, there are so many diaper contests, I can't keep up with them all! I entered for the Fall into Fluff Event - $500 worth of Cloth Diaper Stuff!!! Glad you got your little girl a hairbow and tutu, that will make for some cute pictures!

  4. I won some Lollidoo diaper(s?) from a twitter party in January, and claimed and got a response back, but I haven't received it yet. Maybe I should follow up...

    1. You should def. contact the blog owner and see if they can touch base with the sponsor! I know sometimes it does take 4-6 weeks for shipping!
