Friday, June 8, 2012

A Little Mum-Mum Chat: To Jump or Not To Jump?

Since it is such a beautiful Friday here in New England, I wanted to do a nice lite and fun post to start the weekend! When I think of lite and airy babysnacks, I think of Mum-Mum's! I have just discovered Mum-Mum's for my little guy...and probably like every baby that came before him, he LOVES them! These little Mum-Mum's guarantee him to keep quite for at least 5 1 pack will get me 10 minutes and 2 packs 20 minutes! Ahhhh.

So besides being entertainment for my son, they are also entertainment for you! Here is a conversation my husband and I had about Mum-Mum's. Enjoy!

Hubby: Can you please get the kid a Mum-Mum?

Me: No, he's in the jumper.

Hubby: He really wants one.

Me: What are you his interpreter? No he's in the jumper.

Hubby: The jumping will help to get the mum mum down his throat.

Me: Roll on floor laughing...really? Are you serious?

Hubby: Yeah!

Me: This is a "tweetable" moment.

Hubby: No, I will show you a tweetable moment, you steal all my tweets you tweet stealer!

I must admit that my hubby has some pretty funny tweets. I also admit that I do steal a lot of his tweet material. 

So what do you think of my husband's method of digesting the Mum-Mum's?

Does your baby like Mum-Mum's? What about your dog? ha ha


  1. The basically dissolve in the mouth right away.I dont think its a big deal,if you were to give him a grape or somthing thats a different story!LOL!

    1. I know...I am nuts because he actually choked on one a few days earlier, and I was just nervous if he took the entire thing and put it in his mouth:-) You are probably right though!
