Friday, June 15, 2012

Evidently My Hubby is Giving away My Cloth Diapers on Facebook...

That ^^ is my husband! He looks so innocent and nice right? Well pictures don't tell all!! He is always cracking jokes and kind of a smart alec! He likes to harass me about cloth diapers and even calls me a cloth diaper slave driver who "needs therapy." ha ha. So maybe it's partly true..being a slave driver. Anyways...evidently today he is giving away MY CLOTH DIAPERS on his facebook page by having people answer brain teasers...check it out below...I am sure many of you would have loved to get in on this!

Hate to break it to you people, but I am not giving away my precious diapers!! It's a good thing my hubby knows whats good for him, so he stays away from the dipes!

Does your spouse harass you about cloth diapers?
If you spouse doesn't does anyone else?


  1. Haha! That's too funny! My hub is pretty quiet about my diapers though not too long ago he did say, "just how many diapers do we have anyway?" I dodged the question ;)

  2. That's hilarious! What's funny is he clearly has learned that cloth diapers are in high demand and people want to win them as prizes :)

    1. Oh yeah! He keeps up with the times:-) He knows what people really want!

  3. ANd you are just now finding this out??!! Gotta watch his posts

  4. And you are just now finding this out!! You better keep an eye on his postings!!

    1. I know, it's a full time job keeping up with what he posts!

  5. lol mine doesn't try to give them away, but he doesn't exactly understand my love of them or why I use them. He is usually like, just use disposables and I just roll my eyes and grab from my stash!

    1. ha hubby used to be like that too...but if we have any disposables left over from the beginning, I would hide them:-)
