Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sappy Mommy Mess

Thought I would start this post off with a little humor (before I turn into a sappy mommy mess)! This graphic tells it all! At this age, all my son wants to do is put anything and everything in his mouth!

Today is my baby's 6 Month Birthday!! I can't believe time has flow by so fast!!! After a traumatizing labor and delivery (read if you dare), a nasty bout of colic, and his first sickness, things have only gotten better!! We (Mom and Dad) have managed to survive the first 6 months! Oh wait, and so has baby J.T.!! 

Hooray, not only did we survive, but we survived without any major trips to the emergency room (not for baby at least) no falls, no broken bones, and no other major medical issues!! We are blessed!!

Now onto the Sappy Mommy Milestones:

  • Sleeping through the night (Notice how this one came first...ha ha)
  • Holding his head up
  • First Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas 
  • Sitting up by himself (still wobbly)
  • First Snow 
  • Smiling 
  • Laughing
  • Recognizing People
  • First Fever and Cold
  • Holding Objects
  • First Trip to a Museum and Aquarium
  • Discovering fingers, toes, and water
  • Grabbing at Anything and Everthing
I could go on forever, but I will cut myself off!

Happy Birthday Baby J.T!!! Mommy and Daddy Love You!!

Do you remember when your little one turned 6 months old? 

Are there milestones that stick out to you?


  1. Mine is 14 months and he has only slept thru the night 1X! Happy Birhtday!

  2. Happy Half Birthday J.T.!!! You are a cutie pie!
    My daughter is 2.5 and she still puts crap in her mouth.

  3. Aww, so cute! Wasn't that long ago my baby girl was that age. Goes by too fast! Happy 1/2 birthday!

  4. Oh my goodness what a cutie! Happy 6 month birthday baby!

  5. Aw so cute! You should link this up to my sat laughs:) I love it! He is so cute! Happy 6 months!

  6. Ah...this is such a wonderful time - enjoy it. It does go by fast, so enjoy every moment!

  7. Happy 6 months :O) I don't remember my babies being that little :O( but I do know the moments just keep getting better.

  8. Happy 6 months JT! I remember when E turned 6 months and thinking "OMG, the time has flown!" She's about to turn one and I still think the same thing!

    He is precious btw!

  9. Six months is one of my favorite ages! He is such a cutie!

  10. Congratulations on your milestones :)

    What a lil cutie :)

  11. Aw! Happy Birthday to such a cutie.

  12. Ah..Happy Birthday to the little sweetie. Just wait, you will have more and more to celebrate as he gets older.
    Danielle S
