If you are new to Cloth Diapering, this phrase may seem a little strange to you..."stripping your diapers"...hmmm...stripping them of what? when? how? I would like to help you out and give you a little insight on Stripping your Cloth Diapers!
Reasons WHY I may need to Strip my Cloth Diapers?
- You notice a NASTY smell coming from your diapers even after washing
- Your diapers seem to be leaking for no particular reason
- You notice an Ammonia smell coming from the diapers once the diaper has been soiled
- You use detergents that are not meant for Cloth Diapers
- You have detergent build-up
- You use rash ointments that are not Cloth Diaper Safe
- You have mineral binding/detergent build-up from Hard Water
- Your baby is getting unexplained diaper rashes
- Stripping your diapers is a way to rid your Cloth Diapers of all of the conditions listed above. It is sometimes considered regular maintenance if you use Cloth Diapers (kind of like an oil change for your car).
- Start with Clean Cloth Diapers (Rinse, Wash), they don't have to be dried to strip! Just wash them as you normally would.
- Next, throw your diapers in a HOT wash with NO DETERGENT.
- Then run 3-4 HOT rinse cycles with NO DETERGENT.
- Let Air Dry or Tumble dry on Low.
- If you can see actual spots from rash ointments, you may want to add a tablespoon of the original blue dawn liquid detergent to help with the oil build-up. You can add this in during the First Hot Wash.
- Make sure you do the largest load cycle possible when stripping because the more water in your machine, the better the diapers will be cleaned.
HOW OFTEN should I strip my diapers?
- You may not ever need to strip your Cloth Diapers, but chances are, your diapers will encounter some kind of invasion (detergent, hard water, rash cream, etc). For some people, they like to strip the diapers every month or so. For me, I like to do it every 2-3 months, or if I notice one of the above problems.
In the end, you will have some fresh smelling diaper...even your dog will love to get a whiff!
If you Cloth Diaper, have you ever stripped your diapers?
How do you strip your diapers? What are your experiences?
Ahh the days of diaper stripping! Glad you found something that works for you! I found that everyone has a different stripping method as everyone's water is different. I liked Rockin' Green the best for stripping personally.
ReplyDeleteGood post!
Thanks for the tip!
ReplyDeleteCloth diapering is like a science. I am not sure I would be a great candidate to even attempt it even though I know it has to be so much better for the baby then the ones you buy at the store. Thank you for always sharing tips and tricks I am sure they help a lot of moms who are trying to make it work for them.
ReplyDeleteMan, every persons experience is so different. We finally have it down to where I only need to strip about every 6 months!
ReplyDeleteWow, what is your routine?? How do you strip your diapers??
DeleteWish I'd known this when I used cloth diapers. My daughter is expecting and planning to use cloth diapers. I'm sending her to your article. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHow exciting that your daughter will be doing Cloth Diapers!! Thanks for sending her this article too:) Under the Cloth Diapering 101 tab at the top, there are more basic articles too! Are you going to be a Cloth Diapering Grandma too? When I told my mom I was going to use cloth diapers, at first she thought I was crazy...but Cloth has come so far now and she loves using them every Tuesday when she watches my little guy:) My mom has become a cloth diaper convert!!
DeleteGreat post! I have to strip every month, 2 months if I'm lucky. We have hard water and I've tried pretty much everything.
ReplyDeleteI just had to strip my diapers. It took using the dawn dish soap SUPER hot water and about 10 rinses to get all the detergent build up and other built up gunk out of the diapers. I'm going to start stripping at least every 2-3 months from now on, because it was just out of control. it was my first time stripping in over a year. Yeah...should NOT let them go that long.
ReplyDeleteNo one ever told me to do this when I had my first child twenty eight years ago. I would have thought that my mother would have told me. This was one of the reasons why I dumped cloth diapers and went with disposables. If I would have known this, I would have kept up with them.
ReplyDeleteCloth diapers are just awesome! Thanks for sharing!
The only reason I've had to strip my diapers so far is that my son kept getting diaper rashes. I did a BIG stripping of all of our diapers and so far so good. (Fingers crossed)
ReplyDeleteThe only reason I've had to strip my diapers is because my son kept getting diaper rashes. I did a BIG stripping of all of our diapers and so good so far. (fingers crossed)
ReplyDeletekristen bobbitt
Thanks for this info I am just starting cloth diapering and wasn't sure when/ how to strip!
ReplyDeleteI recently had to strip my diapers because my daughter was getting ammonia burns. So, I stripped them, and she lived in disposables for a week while she was heeling, but it's back to normal now.
ReplyDeleteWe only strip about every 5-6 month, but you can definitely tell a difference once they are stripped. It is always nice to see how someone else strip's their diapers. There are so many variations, it is hard to know what to do.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting. I probably don't strip my diapers enough!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this. I just finished stripping my diaper because of an unexplained diaper rash my daughter got.
ReplyDeleteI haven't had to strip my diapers since my youngest has been born but I'm sure I will eventually. When I had to strip my diapers when my oldest was in them I did a hot wash with a squirt of blue dawn and then lots of rinses until there were no more bubbles. Usually that did the job. (Michelle Ferguson)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the advice. I am new at cloth diapering and I am sure this blog will come in handy.. I will definitely come back to this page. God bless you.
Thanks for the advice. I have noticed that my diapies kinda smell so I think I will give it a try!
ReplyDeleteI love all of these posts! I am creating a pin board with them all for future reference. I actually have not {knock on wood} had to strip my diapers yet, but I feel it coming soon :]
ReplyDeletecurrently doing stripping myself after this yeast infection!! ahh no fun!!
ReplyDeleteSo will stripping more often keep my nighttime MF inserts from getting so stinky?