Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Today I was out running some errands and enjoying the beautiful 60 degree weather here in Connecticut! I ran into Walmart to grab a few items for dinner tonight, and the most annoying thing happened!

I was taking little J.T. out of the car (right hand side) when this red subaru pulls into the space next to me, but diagonally (see picture above). She couldn't pull through because I was standing there trying to get everything out of the car, so she just sat in the car for awhile. I finally finish getting everything out and headed into the store. I looked behind me and she was still in the first spot.

When I came back out, the Subaru had pulled forward into the space right next to me. Now you are thinking..."they just parked next to you, whats the big deal." I will tell you...

I parked pretty far out in the parking lot because I have "a boat" of a car and I wanted to have plenty of room all around the car to  get everything out that I needed. For example the stroller, car seat, bags, etc. May I highlight the word PURPOSELY and FAR AWAY? Additionally, if you look at the picture above, the entire end of the parking lot was empty!!! Why park right next to my car? There were so many spaces closer...why not one of the 100 around me?

Did they not see that I had a baby, stroller, car seat, bags? It is tough getting those things into the car when a car parks close, which is, again why I purposely parked far away! This is especially true when you have a big "boat" of a car with big doors! Grrrrr...all I could think coming out of the store, when I saw my car was Really? Come on! 

Ever had an experience like this?


  1. Replies
    1. I know right! At least I'm not the only one who thinks so:)

  2. I hate when that happens. People are clueless sometimes.

  3. I don't think that has ever happened to me, but I did have someone honk at me when I was trying to get my stroller into the trunk because they were waiting on my spot. Getting a large stroller in the trunk of a civic takes a few minutes. That thing only fits if angled just right! :) Happy Groundhog's Day!

    1. Ha ha, same idea! People just can't be patient! I hear you with the angle thing!

  4. May favorite is when they park insanely close to you when they can obviously see the car seats in your car. Its insane!
    But seriously, your situation makes no sense.

  5. Maybe she had her "itch" flakes before she left home...;) Some people just don't have any common courtesy. There was clearly no need for her to park RIGHT THERE. And to Brenda: HAHAHA I can only imagine you trying to get that stroller in the poor Civic. We used to have one before it tangled with a full size Dodge truck on OUR side. Bless you!

  6. I love doing gymnastics to get my kids into the car... yep... totally agree with you - that woman was cracked...

  7. We do the same thing we park way out in the parking lot because getting three children out and in can take time and room lol. It is so annoying when you park way out and some car feels the need to park right beside you! Ugh

  8. that's super annoying. My boyfriend has a Dodge Challenger and purposly parks far away because here in New England you can't have nice things lol. Anyways he parks far so people don't ding his car up, and every time we come out someone is always parked right next to him. It's like they do it on purpose!

  9. Maybe she was lonely, LOL! How annoying in any case.

  10. Hmmmm....wonder what was going through their mind!

  11. Hehehe, some people are just strange like that.
