Monday, February 27, 2012

Facebook Spies on Your Text Messages?

I know that this post has nothing to do with cloth diapers or babies, but will probably apply to a lot of you readers and especially bloggers who use your smartphone applications to help with your blogs or e-mails!! I saw on the news this morning that the "free apps" for smartphones actually may be invading your private text messages, phone calls, and may even track your actual physical location amoung many other things

Most people get these "free apps" for their phones without reading any of the fine print and terms they have accepted (I know I do). I am assuming because it is so easy to get these "free apps" we assume they are safe or think nothing of them. However, we all need to be aware of some of the access we are giving to these big social media companies. Check out the chart below describing the access we grant to different sites:

 I must say that I am not really surprised about this, however it is a little disturbing. I have not yet given into the smartphone craze mostly because of the cost, so I don't have to worry about this problem...however I know tons of people who may be concerned with these findings.

What do you think? Do you think companies have a right to access this personal information? 

Do you think it is sneaky how they get your information by having you accept "the fine print" or are you used to "the fine print" by now?

I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions!


  1. THank you so much. I had NO idea about all of this. I actually just got an iPhone this weekend! I know it prompts me to my local home address, which I have not done.

  2. I honestly had no idea we were giving access to our text messages and more. I do have a smart phone and do use free apps...Now I have to go back and look at everything I downloaded because I really do not think they should have access to my information. Ugh.
    Privacy is out the windows these days isn't it?

  3. wow - I never read the fine print when I add free apps to my smartphone. That's scary! Thank you for sharing

  4. I guess I don't have to worry much because I don't text. Only the occasional one from people who don't get it that I do not text.

  5. i had no idea, but it does disturb me that they can gain access just because you signed up to them.

  6. I think this is great information. I recently experienced a situation where an app that I installed was hacking my FB account. I went as far as contacting the developers to inquire why, but they never responded. It was easy to identify which app because I had only installed one that day and as soon as I removed it from my phone and took steps to change passwords on EVERYTHING (if they hack FB, who knows what else they might) I had no further issues. In my case, the FB access wasn't something that was even stated in the "TOS" for the app. I think people need to pay close attention to what apps they install and should consider using security software on their smartphones, as it is an additional step that will notify you of questionable activity or interactions from programs on your phone.

  7. Wow I didn't know this. I know you have to accept their terms of use but I dont see why they should access your text messages or who you are calling. I need to go back and read the fine print!

  8. Wow, of course Facebook is the worst offender in the bunch. I don't even want to think about all the apps I use in my twitter account.

  9. Wow, I had no idea! Thanks so much for sharing this!

  10. That is crazy and scary! I didn't know they had that much access.

  11. this info is good to know but crazy to think they can know so much! Thanks for the info.
