Saturday, February 18, 2012

Baby Do's and Don'ts

As many of you know, I work part time right now. I only go into work 1 day a week. When I came in this past week, I found this sticking out of my keyboard! I thought it was super cute and wanted to share it with you! My favorite has to be  Drying Baby, or Introducing Baby to Pets!

Which one is your favorite?


  1. LMAO these are cute and funny.

    My favs have to be # 8 and 10 but really there all funny.

    Great post to start off the day :)

  2. I saw this for the first time when I was pregnant with my son. It's so funny! I love the "checking baby's diaper" and "exercising baby"! :)

  3. These are hysterical! The nursing baby one has me cracking up. You should link this up on my Saturday funnies:)

  4. Love "nursing baby." Too funny. I remember our daughter walking around after we had our next baby and she kept trying to feed her baby with her elbow. LOL

  5. lol this is to funny i really liked them all, thanks for sharing :)

  6. they are all too funny, but my fav is how to and how not to check a diaper.

  7. These are hilarious! They are all funny, but "drying baby", with dad looking at his watch, cracked me up!

  8. Those are so funny. I especially love the checking diaper one because I know someone who said they did that to check diapers but then stopped when they got more than expected. I was like really?! haha :)

  9. So glad I found this, I've been using the hose on the Little for bathing! Lol, I'm kidding.

  10. The nursing baby is my favorite! When my daughter was about 11 months she saw her daddy sleeping with his shirt off & actually tried to nurse & was very upset that nothing came out!

  11. I always wonder who thinks of these things! So funny!! I found you from the Saturday Funnies bloghop :)

  12. Oh, my goodness! I LOL when I saw the no drying and washing, I mean that's hilarious! I sure hope no one would think they could do that with a baby!

  13. Bwahaha - nursing baby, too funny! Thanks for clearing that up...
