Friday, February 10, 2012

Cloth Diapering 101: What is PUL?

If you are new to the Cloth Diapering world, than you probably will come across a whole bunch of new and possibly strange words or terminology. One of those words might be PUL. Now what the heck does that mean?

PUL actually stands for Polyurethane Laminated. PUL is basically polyurethane that has been laminated onto a fabric. It is a type of coating that creates a sleek and smooth waterproof lining. It is commonly used in Cloth Diapers for these reasons! It has a shiny appearance to it as well. The nice part about a PUL lining is that it not only keeps the pee and poop where it is supposed to be, but it also withholds many hot washing and drying cycles. 

Personally, I don't like to put my PUL covers in the dryer, I hang them dry after washing. I am hoping that this technique will help them to last even longer!!

Below is an example of a Diaper with a PUL lining.
Now you are in the know next time a diaper says it has a PUL lining!!! You can even try throwing that word around your hubby and see what he says? "Oh, I'm just going to buy some PUL online"....he will think you are buying him something! He will be impressed with your handy-woman terminology!! Ha Ha


  1. Thanks for sharing! I get blank stares when I talk about PUL to my non-CDing friends, LOL. I used to be an exclusively fitteds and wool person, but the cost of wool (even though I knit AND sew) just started getting prohibitive, so I have been using PUL covers with #3.

  2. interesting information, learned something from this, thanks!

  3. what i think is pretty interesting is that not all PUL is created bumgenius PUL is different from fuzzibunz PUL which is different than minimaestro PUL etc etc etc.

  4. I hear that PUL is breathable but... I'm still going to start with my granddaughter in something that I'll put wool over. I only have her 2x a week and she will be in sposies the rest of the week. I do have one diaper with PUL coming to me tho' so we'll see if I like it. Great tip on the line drying - I'll try to remember that. Thanks!

  5. PUL is certainly the best invention for modern cloth diapers. Would you do a blog post about PUL vs TPU? I hear TPU is more eco friendly.

    1. Great post idea! I will be adding that in after I do a little research and have some time:-)

  6. Do PUL lines stain easily and is it best to use liquid or power detergent?

    1. It is best to use powder detergent with cloth diapers in general! What do you mean does PUL lines stain easily? I have had a lot of poopy diapers and I haven't had any stains on them so far (5) months using Flip Covers!

  7. Thanks for sharing! I love my PUL lined diapers :]

  8. I had no idea what PUL meant.. I am not sure the cloth diapers I have this? I need to ask the company that I am using. Good advice. Thank you.

  9. I'm new to cloth diapering and I am loving your Cloth 101 series! This is so helpful. And I had no clue what PUL was either. Thanks for including a picture as an example.

  10. I've been considering trying to incorporate PUL into a cloth diaper I make myself, but I've heard it's incredibly difficult to work with. I want to try hidden PUL so I don't have to put covers over all the cute prints.

  11. so far i love PUL. i also never put my covers in the dryer and they seem to hold up nicely!

  12. wow- i'm so glad i came across your posts from the link on your giveaway! i've been cloth diapering my 16 mo old for about 8 months but still don't know all the 'lingo'.
