Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cloth Diaper Clothing?

Has anyone ever seen the show 24 Hour Catwalk ? You may think it sounds like some kind of "lewd show" or least that's what I thought when I heard the name! It is actually a reality show similar to the show Chopped, only in the fashion world! Contestants must take whatever is in their baskets and incorporate it into a fashionable outfit! I love to watch the creativity that the contestants come up! One of the episodes actually had Cloth Diapers as the item to incorporate into a Maternity Style Dress!!! The diapers were Bumgenius aplix in pink and blue colors!! It was actually pretty cool the way that some of the contestants designed the dresses! 

Go HERE to check it out!! 

One thing that made me crazy was that they hacked the heck out of the diapers with scissors...I kept saying "don't do it, that is a perfectly good diaper I could use." Ha ha! Hope you enjoy!

Have you ever seen this show before?

What did you think of the dresses?

Which was your Favorite?


  1. I do not watch that show - I do watch Chopped tough. I would have been screaming at the t.v. no, no, no - not precious cloth! :) I am with you! I love fluff!

  2. I absolutely LOVE Chopped and think this would be a neat show to watch as well. I am all for watching others compete.

    Kevin :)

    1. I love Chopped too!! One of my favorites! Gotta love me some cooking shows!

  3. I have never seen this show before but I am intrigued now!! Sounds great.

  4. Nope, never seen this before but it sure sounds interesting. thanks for sharing.
